Peter Mortimer-搜索结果

  • 穿越巴塔哥尼亚天际线 A Line Across the Sky


    导演:彼得·莫蒂默, Peter Mortimer   编剧:

    主演:Tommy Caldwell, Alex Honnold

      巴塔哥尼亚高原上的菲茨罗伊峰连同它的座姊妹峰一起,划出了这片高原上最具标志意义的天际线。绵延英里多的山脉被积雪和结冰的岩石覆盖,隐约可见那些攀登路线和望不见头的保险绳索。菲茨山连攀让众多攀登者心驰神往的同时,也让人望而却步,一直以来这条线路都被认为是一个不可能的任务,虽让人垂涎已久,但尝试者寥寥。Tommy Caldwell和Alex Honnold决定一起利用难得一见的窗口期出发探险。这对兄弟成功刷新了年二月刚刚创立的五日冲锋登顶的记录。

  • 王者之路 King Lines

    类型:纪录片电影, 冒险片电影, 运动片电影

    导演:Josh Lowell, Peter Mortimer   编剧:

    主演:Melissa LaCasse, Tony Lamprecht, Miquel Riera, Chris Sharma, Sam Whittaker

      Chris Sharma是世界公认的一流攀岩者和完美路线的缔造者。在过去的十年里,他环游世界,通过不屈不折地尝试不可攀登的路线,重新诠释了攀岩、抱石和深水自我攀登。摄制组与他紧密合作长达两年之久,摄制地点在西班牙、法国、加利福尼亚、委内瑞拉、希腊、犹他,Chris Sharma以最具想象力和强劲的攀登探索他的梦想。这部根据众多震撼人心的攀登经历制作出的新媒体电影上映后立即引发了全球青年对这位运动偶像的追逐。

  • reel rock 8


    导演:Zachary Barr, Josh Lowell, Peter Mortimer, Nick Rosen   编剧:

    主演:Jim Bridwell, Hazel Findlay, Emily Harrington, Yuji Hirayama, Simone Moro, Ueli Steck, Dan Woods

  • 山谷崛起 Valley Uprising


    导演:Peter Mortimer, Nick Rosen   编剧:Kathleen McGlaughlin, Peter Mortimer

    主演:Peter Sarsgaard, Alex Honnold, Yvon Chouinard

      In the shady campgrounds of Yosemite valley, climbers carved out a counterculture lifestyle of dumpster-diving and wild parties that clashed with the conservative values of the National Park Service. And up on the walls, generation after generation has pushed the limits of climbing, vying amongst each other for supremacy on Yosemite's cliffs. "Valley Uprising" is the riveting, ...

  • 云端漫步 The Sharp End


    导演:Peter Mortimer, Nick Rosen   编剧:

    主演:Dean Potter, Steph Davis, Chris Mark

      这部影片展示了Base Jumping、Free Soloing、Base Soloing等极具刺激性的极限运动,低空定点跳伞运动员Chris Mark以及Dean Potter和Steph Davis这对极限攀登夫妻的出演非同一般

  • Reel Rock 6


    导演:Anson Fogel, Josh Lowell, Peter Mortimer, Nick Rosen   编剧:

    主演:Brian Mosbaugh, Timmy O'Neill, Michael Payton, Dean Potter, Brooke Raboutou, Robyn Erbesfield Raboutou, Cory Richards, Steve Schneider, Chris Sharma, Ashima Shiraishi, Will Gadd, Denis Urubko, Jan Galek, Lynn Hill, Alexander Huber, Thomas Huber, Alex Johnson, Kevin Jorgeson, Jason Kehl, Sean Leary, Andy Lewis, Brent Cain, Canyon Cain, Tommy Caldwell, Obe Carrion, Peter Croft, Evan Deis, Faith Dickey, Mason Earle, Tim Emmett, Hans Florine, Chris McNamara, Simone Moro

      The complete 2011 REEL ROCK Film Tour: Six astounding short films covering every style of climbing on the planet. Starring Tommy Caldwell, Dean Potter, "Sketchy" Andy Lewis, Ashima Shiraishi, Will Gadd, Kevin Jorgeson, Corey Richards, Obe Carrion, Sean Leary, Tim Emmett, Simone Moro, Denis Urubko, Hans Florine, The Huber Brothers, and more.